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Tag: Startup founder

how to improve your personal branding
How to Improve Your Personal Brand: 10 Impactful Ways to Build Your Reputation

How to Improve Your Personal Brand: 10 Impactful Ways to Build Your Reputation

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Your personal brand is your reputation – it’s what people think of when they hear your name. In the digital age, personal branding has become increasingly important, both personally and professionally. With some strategic effort, you can shape and elevate your personal brand to open

challenges in developing business strategy
What challenges do entrepreneurs face in developing a successful business strategy?

What challenges do entrepreneurs face in developing a successful business strategy?

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Starting and running a business is no easy feat. As an entrepreneur, you’ll face many hurdles on the road to success. Having a sound business strategy is crucial, but crafting one that actually works takes thought, planning, and persistence. In my decade covering startups and

How to get rid of burnout, depression as an entrepreneur?exhaustion &
How to get rid of burnout, exhaustion & depression as an entrepreneur and build your dream business?

How to get rid of burnout, exhaustion & depression as an entrepreneur and build your dream business?

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Introduction As any entrepreneur knows, starting a new business is an enormous undertaking. Not only do you have to develop a product or service that meets a market need, but you also have to create a brand, build a website, and get the word out